Col Vinod Marwaha, (Retd)

Col Vinod Marwaha, (Retd)
Col Vinod Marwaha an Alumni of National Defence Academy is a War Veteran of the 1971 Indo Pak War. A postgraduate in civil engineering he is actively involved in construction and Infrastructure Development projects specialising in utilization of Non-Conventional energy (solar) and Environment Protection. He set up the first solar drip irrigation system on the prestigious Mumbai-Pune highway and since1990 has been advising and assisting people in rural Maharashtra for setting up solar systems in conjunction with Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency. He also regularly undertakes desilting of small Percolation dams and rejuvenating arid land in Satara District by means like water harvesting and tree planting.
A multi-faceted Veteran he is part of Horizon OPCEM ( Organization for Post Conflict Management) and was actively involved in carrying out Humanitarian Demining in war ravaged Sri Lanka for 10 years under the aegis on the UNO. Presently their teams are working in Kuwait for clearing the oil fields of mines and unexploded explosive ordinance(UEO) left behind after the Iraq- Iran conflict . The major thrust is to help ex- servicemen get re-employment and utilise their considerable skills to help mankind in war ravaged areas.
In 2000, Col Marwaha established a Business School with a view to groom the young Managers with the time-tested army values of Honesty, Integrity, Commitment and Accountability. The College has eminent academicians, senior service officers and leaders of Society on its panel to inculcate the best values and yet give affordable education to the students.
A multi-faceted entrepreneur, he has set up two Chemical Plants, manufacturing speciality chemicals and is also associated with the Dairy industry wherein he has developed strongbackward integration with small farmers to help them get better value for their produce. Currently their Dairy Industry is handling 6 lac litres of milk per day thereby integrating and benefiting over 40000 farmers from Satara District as all these ventures are on quasi cooperative model.
A philanthropist at heart, Col Marwaha is also involved in social and charitable work and is on the Advisory Board of organizations such Phaltan Education Society and Aks Foundation, to name a few.